More Revisions

1) Piece changes

  • Soldiers now "hop" over other pieces, using them as obstacles to move 2 spaces. This should give them more offensive potential, and allow them to promote more easily.
  • Birds are now Hawks, a la Musketeer chess. They move 2 or 3 spaces orthogonally or diagonally. This makes them a formidable long-range piece while making them weak to skirmishers.
  • Trees can now move 1 space in any direction but can no longer capture pieces; They now switch spaces with them. Their ability to only be captured by other Trees still applies. However, the Erlking can now capture Trees as well.

2) Setup changes

The board setup has shifted, with Soldiers and Trees swapping their original places to give Soldiers more starting moves and Trees more defensive use in the early game.

In addition, rules to set up Drudgi Garoi have been added to the ZIP file

3) Rules explanation Improvements

The piece movement explanations have been expanded, showing off new symbols for how pieces move and providing explanation text OUTSIDE of the grid.


Ot 2.3 MB
Jan 26, 2023

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